The Mossack Fonseca Group is a leading international corporation which provides comprehensive legal, trust, technological and accounting services. With over 500 staff members in all continents, Mossack Fonseca provides personalized advice based on more than 36 years of experience in the market. They also offer world-class service through their exclusive online services which are available 24 hours a day.

​Mossack Fonseca: BVI Financial Services on New Website & Social Media

Joan R. Berryhill 8 years ago 0

The BVI Financial Services Implementation Unit (FSIU) is using their new website and social media pages to “inform, educate and engage the population on the subject of financial services”, according to a BVI press release on November 18, 2015.

On the website, BVI Forward Campaign, visitors will have immediate access to the report of the financial services consultancy, the ten priority initiatives being pursued as part of the campaign, as well as the latest industry and campaign related news. The website will also feature continuous messages from various spokespersons including industry executives, senior industry professionals, and others.

The FSIU has also created the following web pages to share actionable information about financial services and their current efforts to strengthen the industry:

BVI Forward Facebook

BVI Forward Twitter

BVI Forward LinkedIn

BVI Forward YouTube

Director of the FSIU, Mr. Kedrick Malone said “The BVI Forward campaign relies heavily on our website and social media because young people are part of a key demographic we need to engage on financial services. We have targeted information for various age groups and inclusive of all forms of media but we will focus extensively on digital and social media simply because of the pervasive influence among persons in that age category”.


​Panama Jazz Festival 2016 on Mossack Fonseca

Anthony Slater 8 years ago 0

Mossack Fonseca apoyando al talento nacional mediante nuestro patrocinio a la Fundación Danilo Pérez, se hizo presente en el concierto de clausura de la semana del Panama Jazz Festival con un puesto en Ciudad del Saber.

Con cientos de visitas, nuestro "stand" fue todo un éxito. En el mismo ofreciamos a todos los clientes, amigos y familiares que se detenían para compartir con nosotros, tomarse un selfie y disfrutar de una botella de agua, bebidas rehidratantes o incluso llevarse uno de los exclusivos abanicos personalizados con nuestro logo para combatir el radiante sol de verano. Nuestros amigos de MIPS tambíen dijeron presente en este evento con sus familias.

Agradecemos en especial a todos los voluntarios que con su esfuerzo hicieron esto posible.


​Panama Named Best Place to Retire in 2016 by Mossack Fonseca

Paula J. Rogers 8 years ago 0

International Living has once again published their survey and Panama was at the top of the list for places to retire in the world.

In Panama, a retired American couple can live on the beach and eat farmer’s market fruits and vegetables all year-round, without sacrificing the conveniences and amenities of home for $1,500 a month — all in.

The cost of living is low compared to the quality of life in Panama, which is why the Central American country was named the best place to retire in International Living’s Annual Global Retirement Index for 2016.

Already home to 50,000 US expats, Panama topped the index after raking in top scores across 10 categories including: buying and renting property, visas and residence, cost of living, environment and amenities, health care, infrastructure, and climate.

The list was compiled after consulting a team of correspondents, editors and retirees around the world.

New this year, voters were also asked to weigh in on two added categories which have emerged as important issues for expat retirees: healthy lifestyle and visas and residence.

Couples interviewed for the index raved about their new life in Panama, where the sweet life is described as not only cheaper, but simpler and stress-free.

“We’re healthier and living a better lifestyle here than we ever did in the U.S.,” says expat Mitzi Martain, who has lived on her farm near Santa Fe, Panama for nearly the last nine years.

Added Connie and Mikkel Moller who have been in Panama since 2012: “Our stress level is 10 percent of what it used to be.”

Utilities are a fraction of what retirees are used to paying back in the US, clocking in at around $100 a month for electricity, water, internet, cellphone cards, and trash pickup and allowing renters to live happily on $1,500 a month.

That can be slashed by up to half for couples who own their own property.

“In Panama’s capital I have the best of both worlds,” said IL Panama Editor Jessica Ramesch.

“There’s a growing cultural and arts scene…opera showcases, art exhibit openings and handicraft festivals… [And] there are so many new restaurants every week, I stopped trying to keep track.”

Here are the top 10 places to retire according to International Living’s Global Retirement Index 2016:

1. Panama
2. Ecuador
3. Mexico
4. Costa Rica
5. Malaysia
6. Colombia
7. Thailand
8. Nicaragua
9. Spain
10. Portugal


Mossack Fonseca: "El Chapo" Guzmán buscó registrar su nombre como marca

James Kautz 8 years ago 0


Antes del espectacular escape de prisión el año pasado, el capo mexicano Joaquín Chapo Guzmán instruyó a sus abogados para que registraran su nombre como marca, lo que ofreció a las autoridades una primera pista de que quería hacer una película sobre su vida, dijeron ayer medios aztecas.

Durante sus anteriores 17 meses detrás de las rejas, Guzmán pidió a sus abogados iniciar el proceso de registrar su nombre como marca en el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Intelectual (IMPI), dijo el periodista Carlos Loret, de Televisa.

Sin embargo, el IMPI rechazó el registro. Según documentos que vio Reuters, el IMPI rechazó dos solicitudes para registrar como marca el nombre Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán y El chapo Guzmán en 2011, presentadas por Alejandrina Gisselle Guzmán, quien sería su hija. Las solicitudes para trajes y vestidos fueron rechazadas.

Ayer también se conoció que Guzmán, recapturado el viernes último, tenía vínculos en Colombia, principal productor mundial de cocaína, con alias Otoniel, líder del Clan Úsuga, según la policía colombiana.

Después de dejar las armas en el marco de un programa de desmovilizaciones masivas de milicias de ultraderecha liderado por el gobierno del entonces presidente Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010), Otoniel (Dairo Antonio Úsuga) se erigió como líder del grupo, también conocido como Los Urabeños o Autodefensas Gaitanistas.

De las 15 toneladas de cocaína incautadas desde finales de 2014 en una operación contra el Clan Úsuga, “muchas tienen relación” con el mexicano cartel de Sinaloa, liderado por Guzmán. Las marquillas que aparecen en los alijos del estupefaciente “corresponden a logos de compañías internacionales de carros, que es una de las condiciones que establece el cartel de Sinaloa para identificar los cargamentos”, dijo la policía.

Esto, mientras en México siguen los rumores del posible vínculo comercial que podrían tener el Chapo con la actriz mexicana Kate del Castillo, a quien le confió en exclusiva el video de la entrevista que le envió al actor estadounidense Sean Penn, y que fue publicada el sábado último por la revista Rolling Stone.

Ahí se afirmó que el contacto para la cita fue Kate del Castillo, la actriz que ha encarnado protagónicos en novelas televisivas, en los que se convierte en la jefa del narcotráfico, como sucedió en La reina del sur y en Dueños del paraíso, transmitidas en países latinoamericanos.

Durante el operativo de captura del Chapo se encontraron también tres DVD de la novela La reina del Sur. (I)

Firma de abogados internacional servicio completo - Mossack Fonseca & Co.


Mossack Fonseca on Mauritius: Exchange of Information Delayed 1 Year

Joan R. Berryhill 8 years ago 0

A 15 January 2016 press release from the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) announced the delay of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Common Reporting Standard (CRS) exchanges of information for tax purposes until September 2018. Originally, the exchanges were slated to begin in September 2017.

The MRA also confirmed that the requirement for Mauritian financial institutions to apply due diligence procedures to record the tax residence of clients opening new accounts will take effect from 1 January 2017. The CRS, unlike FATCA, requires information based upon tax residency, not citizenship.

Established in 1977, the Mossack Fonseca Group is a leading global company which provides comprehensive legal, trust and accounting services.

With over 500 staff members across every continent, the Mossack Fonseca Group provides excellent services based on more than 35 years of experience. As part of its added value, the Group offers personal advice and a world-class online experience through a virtual Client Portal which is available 24 hours a day. Our web-based Client Information Portal application allows clients to reserve companies online, verify the status of companies, and pay invoices, in addition to other transactions.

Our service and research-oriented professionals specialize in trust services, wealth management, international business structures, and commercial law, among other areas.


​Mossack Fonseca Joins the 'My School First'Mi Escuela Primero' Program

Courtney A. Lewis 8 years ago 0

Mossack Fonseca, in conjunction with the Panamanian Ministry of Education, has announced the signing of a collaboration agreement in support of the “My School First” program.

Panama, Republic of Panama January 20, 2016 /PressCable/

Mossack Fonseca, a leading global company providing comprehensive legal, trust, and accounting services, has teamed up with a group of companies to support the “My School First” program by signing a collaboration agreement with the Panamanian Ministry of Education. Through this agreement, Mossack Fonseca will provide for the adaptation of the El Valle Basic Education Centre such that it will comply with the high standards set by the Ministry of Education.

The “My School First” program is one of the many educational projects being carried out by the central government of Panama to enhance the conditions of various educational centers in the country. The program seeks to make repairs where possible, build new facilities where necessary and furnish the schools in order to provide students with an environment conducive to learning. The lofty goals of these projects are in keeping with the tenets of Mossack Fonseca’s corporate philosophy, particularly as it relates to the essential nature of social responsibility and the importance of making a commitment to the communities it serves.

Corporate social responsibility is one of the foundations of Mossack Fonseca and it has been that way since the company began 38 years ago. The company’s involvement in this laudable endeavor should therefore come as no surprise to those familiar with its overarching mission that seeks to offer comprehensive and convenient legal, trust and accounting services. With a strong global presence active across every continent, the company continues to make every effort to support programs developed to benefit the communities of its clients.

With its head office located in Panama, Mossack Fonseca’s collaborative work with the Ministry of Education on the “My School First” program serves as a potent reminder that the company not only seeks to act in a way that addresses the needs of clients and shareholders, but also in a way that is socially responsible and wholly beneficial to society at large. Efforts such as this continue to demonstrate that the company takes its core values — commitment, responsibility and loyalty, among several others — quite seriously.

About The Company: The Mossack Fonseca Group has been a global provider of comprehensive legal, trust and accounting services since it was founded in 1977. Having established a global presence featuring the availability of staff members in offices located on every continent, Mossack Fonseca has long believed in the importance of a client-centered approach delivered by expert professionals specializing in wealth management, trust services, commercial law and international business structures, along with a variety of other vital services.

For more information about us, please visit

Contact Info:

Name: Mossack Fonseca

Organization: Mossack Fonseca

Address: 54th Street, Marbella, Panama, Republic of Panama

Phone: (507) 205–5888


Mossack Fonseca: China Opens Bond Market to Individual Investors

Lawrence Nelson 8 years ago 0

Mossack Fonseca - China’s central bank allowed individual investors to purchase all types of bonds over bank counters beginning 14 February 2016. Individuals with annual incomes of more than 500,000 yuan ($76,500), 3 million yuan of financial assets, and over two years of securities investment experience can now buy any bonds they like over the counter. Previously, only certificate treasury bonds were available to individuals.

The new policy aims to boost the bond market and direct financing. China’s bond market boomed in 2015 due to government policies aimed at diversifying corporate financing channels. Approximately 22.3 trillion yuan of new bonds were issued last year, almost double the sum in 2014.


COMUNICADO ACLARATORIO – Mossack Fonseca (Colombia)

Amanda Steele 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 0

Deseamos aclarar las infundadas publicaciones que han salido en ciertos medios de prensa durante los últimos días:

  • Mossack Fonseca & Co. al cumplir su función de Agente Residente no es responsable del actuar comercial de las sociedades que constituye, no tenemos ningún tipo de vinculación comercial, así como tampoco tenemos la facultad de administrar o de captar fondos para ninguna de ellas; por ende, las aseveraciones relacionadas a la supuesta posesión de un apartamento en Brasil, a la constitución de compañías para actuar ilícitamente a través de ellas, y el supuesto involucramiento en delitos de lavado de dinero son absolutamente falsas y temerarias.
  • La oficina del representante de Brasil ha sido requerida para suministrar información al respecto de este caso como parte de las investigaciones, información que se ha entregado y se ha colaborado en todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para aclarar este inconveniente en el menor tiempo posible. Los empleados de esta oficina, que colaboraron con dichas investigaciones se encuentran actualmente en libertad.
  • No hemos prestado en el pasado ni prestamos en el presente servicios de asesoría o intermediación de ningún tipo para la compra, préstamo o financiación de bienes inmuebles ni de cualquier otro tipo, lo cual ratifica que no somos parte de este mal entendido, al cual erróneamente hemos sido vinculados.
  • Es importante recalcar que Mossack Fonseca cumple y ha cumplido siempre con la verificación de debida diligencia de nuestra clientela, en estricto apego a la normativa vigente en cada país. Por esta razón, reiteramos nuestra disposición para cooperar con las autoridades cuando así nos sea requerido, disposición esta la cual de manera proactiva ya se ha hecho de su conocimiento.
  • Finalmente, Mossack Fonseca no apadrina ilícitos; muy por contrario, nos complacen los avances que en materia de prevención del lavado de dinero y delitos conexos, se están verificando en nuestros países.

  • Carlos Sousa

    Director de Relaciones Públicas



    ​Escrow Services of Mossack Fonseca

    Earl M. Yee 8 years ago 0

    We offer these services optimally fulfilling the conditions and times established in contracts Escrow. We follow comprehensive risk management policies, safely and accurately providing solid and tailored solutions for our clients.

    Escrow services can help facilitate payments related to property transactions, mergers and acquisitions and access to capital, among other functions.

    Established in 1977, the Mossack Fonseca Group is a leading global company which provides comprehensive legal, trust and accounting services.

    Our service and research-oriented professionals specialize in trust services, wealth management, international business structures, and commercial law, among other areas.

    Our product and service portfolio is constantly updated and renewed, enabling the Group to find the appropriate solution for your business. We offer research, advice and services for the following jurisdictions: Belize, The Netherlands, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, Malta, Hong Kong, Cyprus, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Panama, British Anguilla, Seychelles, Samoa, Nevada, and Wyoming (USA).


    ​Social Responsibility of Mossack Fonseca

    Joan R. Berryhill 8 years ago 0

    Social responsibility represents an important commitment for Mossack Fonseca and our affiliates. It is also a daily reminder about our responsibility towards society.

    Every year we donate to various organizations that share our values and in so doing, we stretch out Mossack Fonseca’s helping hand. Through our Corporate Social Responsibility Program, we actively and voluntarily contribute to the positive development of human beings, especially those in dire need.

    Learn about our work and share in our cause. The lens of the camera captures a fair image of what we do, but the impact of our work goes far beyond. Stretching out a helping hand and coming together to enhance the lives of other people is what motivates us to do more.

    Mossack Fonseca is committed to helping communities, which is why our legal experts have provided legal assistance to many organizations, including:

    • Rotary Club of Boquete (Panama)
    • The British Aid Society
    • Aero Club of Panama
    • Kennel Club Foundation
    • Fundacion Confederation Canofila Panama
    • The World Bank


    Mossack Fonseca has a strong commitment to foster change where it is needed most. It is a way to remind ourselves daily about the responsibility we have towards society.

    PIERO Rafael Martinez de la Hoz FOUNDATION

    This organization provides emotional support to people and families who have lost loved ones through caregiving and educational programs. The Foundation seeks to create consciousness about the internal processes that take place, but are not always properly channeled, when people endure loss.

    Its main purpose is to offer companionship, educate the community by disseminating information on how to confront grief, and offer training to different professionals to help them manage bereavement.


    The TOMATIS method owes its name to Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis, a French physician and researcher born in 1920. He was also a psychologist, speech language pathologist and a member of the French Academy of Sciences.

    For him, listening was not the same as hearing because listening is affected by motivation and functional elements that depend on the will of the individual. Listening is far more than the passive act of registering sounds randomly.

    In Panama, the Tomatis Therapy and Stimulation Foundation (FUNDET-TOMATIS) offers a wide range of programs for children and adults. The donations they receive enable them to offer free speech scholarships for Panamanian children who would not otherwise receive the timely and necessary help they require.


    Fundación Arte en el Parque is the first foundation from the city of Penonomé to promote artistic and cultural values in the province of Coclé and to create spaces and activities that also have an impact on cultural tourism. The VII Art in the Park Festival will serve as a forum for art in general and offer provincial artists an opportunity to make their talent known and present their works, thereby motivating emerging artists who also wish to participate. The Foundation is currently offering local Fine Arts scholarships and also conducts seminars and courses for the social and humanistic/liberal arts formation of artists and the general public.


    Mossack Fonseca is pleased to cooperate with the work carried out by Fundación San Jose located in the Anton Valley, which responds to the basic needs of the local church and the neediest in the region, especially children. The projects being developed are focused primarily on social interest issues, education, health and cultural activities for children.

    Foundation benefits include a library open to the public with more than 5000 volumes on diverse themes, as well as 30 computers with Internet access and open spaces for children and adolescents. The Foundation has also opened a Pastoral Health Home for the elderly which has its own grove to help feed them.


    From its inception, the Foundation’s mission has been to support individuals with autism. It also offers guidance to the public and to the families of those with this condition because if these individuals receive special care from an early age, they are capable of becoming a part of society.

    Recent statistics show that 1 in every 88 children is affected by this condition and that 1 in every 54 is a boy. More than 50,000 people are stricken by autism in Panama, which is an alarming number for our society.


    The Panamanian Institute for Family Education is an organization accredited by the Ministry of Education which seeks to enrich the quality of life of the family, through meeting and dialogue spaces that encourage the exchange of knowledge and ideas. This organization seeks to provide each member of the family with the tools that will help them strengthen their relationships and develop their life projects.

    Last June, the IPEF conducted the conference "Challenges of the XXI Century Family" and presented topics such as: Keys to Preventing Failure in the Educational Project and How to Strengthen the Self-Esteem and Identity of our Children.